dieses video habe ich vor zwei jahren auf youtube gesetzt; inzwischen wurde es 11.000 mal angesehen, 52 mal bewertet und 74 mal kommentiert. einige dieser kommentare stehen dort unten (in chronologisch absteigender folge), mehr sind direkt bei youtube zu lesen, dort sieht man auch, wer und wann.
rofl, why the fuck did he bother to tune it at 1:46 ?? it might have sounded nice if he didn't....
Sounds a lot like a Saturday morning in my local Guitar Center.
You don't need to like his music, but to call it antimusic and deny it's value, is really the same as writing "stupid" on your forehead. Go ahead, do it.
And a total command of the guitar, absolutely immaculate technique. Those who diss his playing abilities should consider the fact that he's playing the way he means to play, those sounds are no accidents.
beautiful, just beautiful. Damn I wish I'd had a chance to see him live.
Guitar is for music not for this crap ... OMG how stupid you must be to listen to something like that ... this is not art this is total bulshit
Umm... I'm pretty sure I could do that and I've never touched a guitar in my life
My ears are bleeding a bit now
This man is clearly demon-possessed.
Interesting that he is bound by conventional notions of using a pick, fretting with the tips of his left hand fingers, standard tuning, holding the guitar in the standard orientation, etc.,etc., while pretending (?) to offer some sort of novel approach to the instrument. This is just inane. Not insane, inane, as in stupid.
well said.
For a writer or painter to be unconventional a pen and a brush must be used. If you want novelty you're in the wrong place.
is this music??
I once dropped my guitar down the stairs. It sounded just like this adorable song!
As a student of Alban Berg (twelve tone), as much as Bailey wants every sound cluster to be unique, you can tell right away that it is him playing. So is this failure in his eyes?
i am starting the pole shift survival group.
let me know if u r interested.
This is AUDIO TRIPE!!! I would like to think Bailey & Chums are having a laugh - sadly I think they are fooling themselves, as well as the audience ... also the PERSON (s) clapping; are they doing so under duress - I am sure I heard a revolver being cocked. "BRING ON GRANT GREEN!". He will cleanse you, with his jazz guitar Godliness.
That was just horrible.
thank you!
awesome. love the sound of his guitar. Glad to hear something differnt for a change. The radio these days is dulling down everything. I'd rather listen to the way someone is speakng rather than the crap today. seriously.
he only plays weddings
Man, now I'm going to half to convince m'lady that we should have our first dance as man and wife to a Derek Bailey tune.
... he died a few years ago. He now plays in cemetaries if anything.
the greatest guitar player,
This is some definitions of music.. none of which applies to Derek Bailey.. RIP and i mean peace...thank god for that...
# an artistic form of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner
# any agreeable (pleasing and harmonious) sounds; "he fell asleep to the music of the wind chimes"
# musical activity (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest"
# Transpostition of one's emotion into sound. Non-idiomatic improvisation fully achieved this.
Uh.. no
I don't understand why my comment was negated. I very much enjoy the guitar playing.
Flaggeolettderek great!!
If you're musically ignorant, this will come off as noise. It takes a bit of understanding of theory, or at least an appreciation of dissonance, to "get into" this.
you are kiddin.. right?
Of course not. In order to understand a lack of rhythm, you have to understand rhythm. In order to understand atonality, you have to understand tonality. Bailey employs an arhythmic, atonal (or at least heavily chromatic) style that few can appreciate.
@CodyRicheson I just wonder what´s so good about being not rhytmic, not tonal, not NICE, not interesting, not musical, not tuned up, not sane, not serious, etc.
You can't approach this the way you would typical music, or you're going to be disappointed. You don't listen to something like this, with the intent of finding a hook or a catchy melody. With a performer like Bailey you're listening more for mood and atmosphere than melodic intent.
I'm sorry, this is horrible. Absolutely horrible.
Horrible because it's dissonant? Or lacking a key or scale? Why is it so important that a piece of music contains those elements in order to be enjoyable?
Why does music have to be enjoyable for it to be good?
I think that depends on whether or not you find dissonance enjoyable.
this would make a great monty python sketch
atonal music is what this is.
derek bailey understands this as music just like everyoneelse has a unique understanding of life this music is no different in practice but in thoery it is
atonal intervalic expression.
sure. Do you really apply theory to this? The theory book of atonal music has only one page. It says: "just don´t let it sound like music"
haha, this guy was a genius.....because of the fact that he tricked people into thinking what he was playing was interesting or somehow cool. God it's horrible.
i agree that
no disrespect but i just dont see why anyone would pay to see this unless they wanted entertainment for there acid trips
Mr. Bailey rocks. RIP
Hey guys! Did you notice that at around 0:33 he plays one note a bit off... just noticed it.
You know where I can find tab for this?
You mean you can't figure it out on your own?
I'm almost certain he missed a note at 2:26. Did you guys catch that too?
Ah yes, the free jazzer's who have not progressed since the 60's & 70's- there is a reason Marsalis slammed this music, and we still have proponents of this gobbleltygook throwing every influence known to man, and claiming to be great "composers". Go listen to Bartok, then Stravinsky, Boulez, Carter, Babbitt, Wuorinen, then Ferneyhough. I know players who do this kind of improv - they wouldn't know the discipline of spending many hours learning, because the Ego and perceived importance-
Music isn't always about discipline. It would be a very boring form of art if it were.
and this has no rythym
Some music has rhythm, but it isn't necessary to have it to be considered music/art.
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